Monday August 5
A- Back Squat for load:
10 reps @ 60%
3 reps @ 70%
3 reps @ 80%
3+ reps @ 90%
On the final set (3+), push for a few more reps within your limits without going to failure. Stop 1-2 reps before form breaks down (or stop at 3 if needed).
Reminder that the above percentages are based on your training max, which is 90% of the heavy single weight that you found.
B- 30/24 Calorie Air Bike
20 Power Cleans (155/105)
30/24 Calorie Air Bike
15 Front Squats (155/105)
30/24 Calorie Air Bike
10 Squat Cleans (155/105)
C- Bar Muscle up practice optional-refer to whiteboard
Tuesday August 6
A- 3-6-9-12-15-18-21
Dumbbell Push Press (50s/35s)
Box Jump Overs (24/20)
(KG conv: 22.5/15 DBs)
B- 3 sets of 45-60 Second Dead hang (hold on to the
pull-up bar with an overhand grip)
- Rest 1:00 between sets
3 sets of 8-10 negative pull-ups (lower yourself down
from the top position as slowly as possible)
- Rest 1:00 between sets
3 sets of 5 pull-ups (use a band to assist with the
pull-ups if needed)
- Rest 30-seconds between sets
C- Bar Muscle up practice optional-refer to whiteboard
Wednesday August 7
A- 7 sets of 5 Power Snatch (every 1:45)
* Weight should be 50% of 1RM + 5-10lbs from previous
* All reps should be completed as singles. Aim to
complete 1 rep every 3-5 seconds.
B- 5 Rounds
200m Run
10 Burpee Pull Ups
Thursday August 8
A- 4 sets
2:30 AMRAP
20 Bench Press (95/65)
20 Kettlebell Goblet Squats (53/35)
Max meter Row in remaining time*
-Rest 2:30 between sets-
*Rollover meters count
B- 4 rounds:
10 Kettlebell Side Bend (each side)
20 Dip-Supported Leg Raises
:30-45 sec Face-Up Chinese Plank
C- Bar Muscle up practice optional-refer to whiteboard
Friday August 9
A- Deadlift for load:
10 reps @ 60%
3 reps @ 70%
3 reps @ 80%
3+ reps @ 90%
On the final set (3+), push for a few more reps within your limits without going to failure. Stop 1-2 reps before form breaks down (or stop at 3 if needed).
Reminder that the above percentages are based on your training max, which is 90% of the heavy single weight that you found.
B- 50-40-30-20-10-20-30-40-50
Double Unders
Wall Walks
C- Bar Muscle up practice optional-refer to whiteboard
Saturday August 10
A- Teams of 2 (1:1 on sets)
2 sets
3:00 AMRAP
1 Rope Climb (or 3 Burpee Pull Ups)
8/6 Calorie Air Bike
-rest 3:00-
3:00 AMRAP
15 Deficit Push Ups (4in/2in)
75ft Farmers Carry (70s/50s)
-rest 3:00-
3:00 AMRAP
15 GHD Sit Ups (or V-Ups)
75ft Sandbag Bear Hug Carry (100/70) (OR Dumbbell Front
Rack Carry (2x50/35))
-rest 3:00 between sets-
(KG conv: 32.5/22.5 Farmer, 45/32.5 Sandbag, 22.5/15 FR
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