Jul 1, 2024

Tuesday July 2 - Saturday July 6, 2024

Tuesday July 2


Part A


5 sets

5 Shoulder Press (65%)

5 bent over-barbell rows after each set

-rest 2 minutes between sets-


Part B



Power Snatch (115/80)

Burpee over Bar


Wednesday July 3


Part A


12 min to Build up to a Heavy Power Clean


Part B


15:00 AMRAP

Buy in: 45/35 Calorie Air Bike/Row

3 Rounds

30 GHDs (V-Ups)

30 Dumbbell Box Step Ups (35s/25s) (24/20)

-in the remainder of time-

Max Calorie Air Bike/Row


Thursday July 4


Part A


3 Rounds


10 Weighted Hip Thrust

10 GHD Hip Raise

10 Plate Front Raise


-Rest 1 minute between rounds-


Part B


“The Ginger” 

22:00 AMRAP

400m Run

7 Thrusters (155/105)

20 Pull Ups


Friday July 5


Part A


4 sets


10 Narrow Bench Press

10 Inverted Skull Crushers

-rest 1 min between sets-


Part B


Take 10 minutes to review Ring Dips, practice/warm-up, and explore scaling options as needed.


Part C


“Push/Pull JT”


Ring Dips

Inverted Ring Rows

Push Ups

Calorie Row (Women: 15-12-9 calories)


Saturday July 6


Teams of 2

80 Deadlifts (135/95)

30-yard Sled Push (4x45/3x45)

60 Deadlifts (185/125)

100/80 cal bike

40 Deadlifts (225/155)

50-yard Sled Push (2x45/1x45)

20 Deadlifts (275/185)

100/80 cal row

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