Jun 9, 2024

Monday June 10- Saturday June 15, 2024

Monday June 10


Part A


3 sets:

10 Front Squat (60-65%)

2 Standing Broad Jumps

-rest 2:00 between sets-


Part B


10 Rounds

1 Power Clean (205/135)

4x50ft Shuttle Run


Tuesday June 11


Part A


3 Rounds


10 Barbell Romanian Deadlift

10 Hamstring Ring Curls


-Rest 1:00 between rounds-


Part B


Every 6:00 (4 sets)

36/28 Calorie Row

24 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

12 Burpee Over Rower


Wednesday June 12


Part A


3 sets:

10 Shoulder Press (60-65%)

10 (L/R) Bent Over Single Arm Dumbbell Rows

-rest 2:00 between sets-


Part B


12:00 AMRAP

10/8 Calorie Air Bike

10 Handstand Push Ups


Box Jumps (24/20)


Thursday June 13


Part A


Level 1: Find the lightest band that you can do one strict pull-up with

Level 2: Find your max unbroken set of unweighted strict chin-ups

Level 3: Find your max unbroken set of unweighted strict pull-ups

Level 4: Find your max 1 rep weighted strict pull-up


Scoring: note your level and score achieved.

Part B


In 3:00 complete:

2 rounds

50ft Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge (50/35)

10 Toes To Bar


*If you complete it within 3 minutes, it unlocks three more minutes. Repeat another 2 rounds, with two additional reps added to the toes to bar. Continue adding three minutes and two toes to bar reps until time catches you. Cap 15:00/5 rounds. 

*You don’t have to rest until the three minutes is up to start the next two rounds.

Part C

3 rounds

10 Incline DB Chest Press

10 Banded Lat Pulldown

10 GHD Reverse Hypers

10 Rower Seat Ab Slides

90 sec rest between rounds

Friday June 14


Part A


Every 3:00 (5 sets) 

5 Hang Squat Snatch (Build up to 65% of 1RM Snatch)


Part B


100 Double Unders 

100 Wall Balls (20/14)

100 Double Unders


Saturday June 15


Part A


4 rounds:


10 Deficit Pushups

10 Ring Row – Feet Elevated

10 Standing KB Crush Grip French Press

10 Seated Alternating DB Hammer Curl (each side)

15 Strict Abmat Situps (hands next to head or across chest)

:30 L-sit Hold

15 Plank Walk (each side)

:30 Chinese Plank

30yd Offset Overhead Farmer Carry (left overhead/right farmer hold)

30yd Offset Overhead Farmer Carry (right overhead/left farmer hold)


Part B


Teams of 2

AMRAP 20 Minutes

50/40 Calorie Row (shared)

400m Run (together)

50/40 Calorie Row (shared)

25ft Handstand Walk (each) (OR 2 Wall Walks each)

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