May 5, 2024

Monday May 6 - Saturday May 11, 2024

Monday May 6


30:00 AMRAP

400m Run

5 Rounds of “Strict Cindy”


*1 Rd of Strict Cindy

5 Strict Pull Ups

10 Push Ups

15 Air Squats


Tuesday May 7


Part A


5 sets (3 Position Snatch)

1 High Hang Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch + 1 Snatch 


Part B



For Time

30 Power Snatch (135/95)


Wednesday May 8


Part A



1- 5 T2B snap downs

2- 10 V-ups

3- 2-4 Strict T2B

4- Unbroken set of T2B or Toes to a target with straight leg -maintaining kip- no singles


Part B


6 sets

10/8 Calorie Air Bike/Row (sprint)

14 Barbell Step Back Lunges (95/65)

50ft Broad Jump (Or 15 Russian Kettlebell Swings 70/53)

-rest 3:00 between sets-


Thursday May 9


Part A



1- 30sec HS hold -weight shifts or HS walk

2- 1-3 WF Strict HSPU

3- 30sec Teddy bear stand or headstand or crow pose- work on wrist strength and using your hands for balance


Part B


Every 1:00 (5:00) 5 Power Cleans (50-55%)(Singles)

-rest 1:00-

Every 1:00 (5:00) 3 Power Cleans (60-65%)(Singles)

-rest 1:00- 

Every 30 seconds (5:00) 1 Power Cleans (70-75%)


Part C


“Bad Annie”


Double Unders




Friday May 10


Part A


4 Rounds


10 DB Good Mornings

8 Goblet Squat: 1 and a Half Reps

10 Single Leg Calf Raise


Part B


120/100 Calorie Row

80 Bench Press (115/75)

40 Box Jump Overs (24/20)

Partition as you’d like


Saturday May 11


Part A


3 Rounds:


10 Deficit Pushups

10 Bent Over Barbell Row

10 Single Arm Standing Tricep Extension w/ band (each side)

10 DB Spider Curls

10 Overhead Plate Situps

:30 GHD Hip Raise Hold

10 Side Star Plank Reach Throughs (each side)

:30 Hanging L-sit hold

30yd Offset Overhead Farmer Carry (left overhead/right front rack hold)

30yd Offset Overhead Farmer Carry (right overhead/left front rack hold)


Part B



Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)


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