Jul 7, 2024

Monday July 8 - Saturday July 13, 2024


Monday July 8

 A-Build up to a Heavy Front Squat

10-12 minutes



Kettlebell Swings (53/35)



Box Jumps (30/24)

(KG conv: 24/16 KBS)


Tuesday July 9

 A-Build up to a Heavy Snatch

10-12 minutes


B-5 sets (Every 2:30)

15/12 Calorie Air Bike OR Row

5 Bar Muscle Ups (Or 10 Kipping Chest to Bar)

Max Wall Balls (20/14) in Remaining Time

(KG conv: 9/6 WB)


Optional Extra-Bar Muscle up drills

Accumulate 1 minute Hollow Hold

1 minute Overhead Opener

4 x 30sec of Hollow Sliders on bench or feet on rower

- rest 30sec between sets-

3 x30sec Hollow Jump to Support

-rest 30 sec rest between sets-

*focus on staying hollow while pressing down with straight arms as long as possible & pulling "around" before pressing down into support


Wednesday July 10


Burpee Dumbbell Deadlift (2x50s/35s)

30 Double Unders after each set

(KG conv: 22.5/15 DBs)


B-4 Rounds

10 Barbell Romanian Deadlift @ Moderate weight – maintain control and quality RPE 7

10 Hamstring Ring Curls @ moderate weight – maintain quality RPE 7

15 Seated Dumbbell Calf Raise @ moderate weight (each side) – maintain quality RPE 7

-Rest 2:00 between rounds-


Optional Extra-Bar Muscle up drills

Accumulate 1 minute Hollow Hold

1 minute Overhead Opener

 3sets x 5 reps of:

Hollow Body Pull Downs [hold for 2 seconds at top]

Banded Front Lever Pulls

-rest as needed between drills-

*Make sure elbows stay straight thru entire skill


Thursday July 11



Teams of 2

3 sets (each/1:1)

10 rounds

100m Rowling

+1 Bench Press (155/95) for every meter over or under 100m (5 rep limit)

7min Time Cap for each set

Here we go! The infamous warm-up turned workout, “Rowling.” Athletes will partner up and go 1:1 on sets until they have each completed 10 rds, 3 times through. The partner not working is in charge of spotting on the bench and letting their teammate know their penalty count. Today’s intensity should be moderately high, but also where athletes are having fun.

We are giving athletes a limit of 5 rep penalty every set. So, if athletes hit a 110, they only have to perform 5 bench press, not 10. This will help cut down the volume and allow athletes to keep moving.

The Time Frame for today's workout will be tight. If athletes are struggling to finish the row and bench in under 60 seconds, cut the rounds to 7-8.


Friday July 12

 A-Build up to a Heavy Shoulder Press

10-12 minutes

B-5 Rounds

7 Overhead Squats (115/80)

11 Toes to Bar

Optional- Extra-Bar Muscle up drills

Accumulate 1 minute Hollow Hold

1 minute Overhead Opener

30 Standing Hollow Pulldowns

30 BMU Rolling Pulldowns

[Set bar approx. hip height, keep elbows locked out and rib down as you press back]

- rest 60 seconds -

15 Standing Hollow Pulldowns

15 BMU Rolling Pulldowns

4 x 10reps of Kipping "beat" Swing

-rest 20 sec between sets-


Saturday July 13

 A-Teams of 3

20 Rope Climbs (Or 60 Strict Pull Ups) *

100 Handstand push-ups*

1600m Run (together)

100ft Handstand Walk (each) (Or 8 Wall Walks (each))

*For the rope climbs/pull-ups and handstand push-ups, share the reps any way. Non-working athletes must hold plank (elbows) while work is done.


Optional-Extra-Bar Muscle up drills

Accumulate 1 minute Hollow Hold

1 minute Overhead Opener

 Complete each drill before moving to the next.

2 minutes max effort Face Pulls


5 x 5reps of Hollow Jump to Support

-30sec rest between sets-


Finish w 3 sets of max effort Kipping "beat" Swings

- 20 sec rest between sets-


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